

Created by Joel Hodgson & Team MST3K

You did it: you brought back MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000! Thanks to you, MST3K will be able to shoot FOURTEEN NEW EPISODES next year, including a new holiday special!

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Some Notes on the "Lost" KTMA Episodes
over 7 years ago – Mon, Dec 05, 2016 at 11:03:09 PM

Dear MST3K Revival League,

I'm really pleased to hear that so many of you are enjoying the lost KTMA episodes! Now that you've had a week or two to watch them, I thought it would be nice to share some notes I wrote down a few weeks ago, when I was re-watching the episodes again for the first time.

Before I do that, though – I know that some backers have had trouble figuring out how to access the KTMA episodes, so Ivan asked me to share these reminders with you:

  • If you pledged $35 or more on Kickstarter (not on, your rewards include the lost KTMA episodes for free. You don't have to pay anything else. You'll find them in your collection of "Classic Bonus Episodes" on VHX.
  • The KTMA episodes are not available for purchase, but you can still make a $35 pledge on our MST3K BackerKit site. If you do, you'll get access to most of the rewards from that package, including the KTMA episodes. You can make a late pledge here, by choosing EXPERIMENT 035.
  • If you haven't activated your free VHX account yet, you'll need to do that first. If you're not sure how, Ivan sent instructions back in Update #34, so look there.  If you already finished filling out your BackerKit order form, you'll need to go look there. If you don't remember how, you can have the link sent to you again in email.
  • If you've got ANY questions or need help, please email [email protected] so our support team can help you. Please do not contact Kickstarter or VHX support, because they won't be able to help. They'll just tell you to contact our team!

If you still haven't gotten to watch the episodes, I hope those instructions will help.

About the Lost Episodes

Also, before I share some specific notes about the "lost episodes", I wanted to point something out: Invaders from the Deep is considered Episode #1... but is it really?

Prior to this we made two other “tests” of MST3K:


This is called the “pilot,” even though it really isn’t. It was actually a fifteen-minute “proof of concept” tape we made to explain the premise to Donald O'Connor – not the “Francis the talking Mule” Donald O'Connor, but the station manager of KTMA. Fortunately, Don liked this brief tape, so we were off and running.

The movie was Green Slime, but actually, we never really riffed much of it, and then we never riffed the full-length movie later because we lost the rights to use it. So mostly, the “proof of concept” included the sketch ideas, along with a rough version of the doorways, plus Crow and me and the robot-who-was-to-become-Tom-Servo walking in and sitting down. I remember we only did a few riffs in that, and dropped a couple of references to Star Wars. (“That’s no meteor, that’s a battle station!”)

If you want to see it, it looks like there are some links on YouTube to a panel where we showed the "Pilot" at a convention once.


The weird thing is that there may also be a still-missing KTMA Episode ("Episode #0"), which was a full-length episode but without the theme song. I remember after we viewed it, it was obvious the whole idea of MST was probably hard to understand for a first-time viewer, and Jim Mallon and I agreed the show needed some more explanation in the form of a theme song like Gilligan’s Island. This was in lieu of doing endless exposition about who we were, and what we were doing in space while watching bad movies.

So, Josh (J. Elvis) Weinstein and I wrote the MST3K lyrics, and Charlie (Chuck Love) Erickson composed the music with me. The theme song emerged into the body of the show on this episode. We roughed out the rest of the concept with some new model shots as well as including Trace and Josh as “his Bosses didn’t like him, so they shot him into space” and me dusting in the control room of KTMA.

To tell you the truth, though, I'm not sure if there was a different "Episode #0", or if we just added the theme song to the beginning, and then called that Episode #1. What I mean is, I don't remember if there was another movie we riffed, or if Episode #0 was just Invaders from the Deep, but without the opening song.

I'm kind of guessing that's what happened, because I’m pretty sure I re-used the “Vacuum Flowers” narrative idea for the sketches from the fifteen-minute “proof of concept” pilot, which makes me think that there wasn't a different Episode #0. If we were going to use the vacuum flowers, why wouldn't we have put them into the next episode we made, and come up with new stuff for Episode #1?

Actually, I’m starting to think that if that episode ever emerges, it’s likely the whole “vacuum flower” sketch pieces are in that show too, and maybe, because the theme song turned out so nice we just treated this Episode #1 as a total “do over” and grabbed all the sketch ideas from 0 and plugged them right into #1. Maybe.

Anyway, here are some notes on these two “long lost” episodes, Invaders from the Deep and Revenge of the Mysterons from Mars, that I took while watching them for the first time in a long time.

Episode 1: Invaders from the Deep

It appears as if Trace wasn’t with us this day, as J. Elvis is running all the puppets. This was pretty common for us at KTMA. Sometimes Josh would have to leave for a family event, as he was still in his teens when we started. So we would find ways to work around his absence too.

Also, it’s clear I was trying to emulate some ideas from the Douglas Trumbull film, Silent Running, which was very inspirational to the show. If you ever check it out, you’ll see LOTS of connections.

Also, the idea of the “Vacuum Flowers” was inspired by the title of the science fiction novel by Michael Swanwick, though I have never read it. I just thought it to be a hauntingly beautiful couple of words.

I’m surprised how much the Show Open has remained pretty much the same throughout the almost 200 iterations of the show. Thanks Charlie, and thank you Josh!

I made the original SOL from some Christmas tree lights, a couple of badminton rackets, and a game called Gnip Gnop:


The Original “Mystery Science Theater” letters were pretty big, probably about 12 to 14 inches tall:

I carved those out of Styrofoam in my backyard on Snelling Avenue. I was trying to emulate some stuff I saw on Sid and Marty Kroft’s Land of the Lost – it was a bear. I used a carving knife with a serrated blade to try to make them look like rocks. Tough going. I remember bailing after constructing the words MYSTERY, SCIENCE, and THEATER, and asking Kevin if it was possible to just put the 3000 in during post:

(Also, just so you know, it was never, ever called Mystery Science Theater 2000, because, simply... that would be lame.)

The rocket is made of a traffic cone and one of those weird, plastic toy golf bags:

I was unhappy we had to use the “digital” looking background plate, which was an element we found at KTMA, as I felt it broke with the show’s “puppet aesthetic,” but it was a time/money consideration. We rented a Rosco fogger at a place in Minneapolis called Norcostco, and I rigged a big, vinyl tube connector to it with duct tape so the smoke came out in the right place on the rocket.

I was thrilled to be working with Invaders from the Deep because, like many people my age, I grew up loving the work of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. But obviously, these types of films were pretty hard to riff on.

I think mostly there are no expressions for the puppets on screen, and it’s really hard to say anything other than, “Hey, that puppet does his own stunts.” I remember we had a chance to re-riff this film and Mysterons later in the Comedy Channel days but I decided against it.

(Also, in the body of the theme song we show a few shots from Invaders from the Deep, so that’s further evidence it’s the first time we used the theme song.)

There's lots of stuff intact from this version of Crow that we’re still using on the new MST3K: the lacrosse mask, the empire plastic bowling pin, as well as the Tupperware elements that made up his shoulders and chest area:

Tom is still made using the bubble gum bank and the “money lover’s barrel":

Gypsy is still made from an infant car seat carrier, though a different style.

The background “action” has some unique “kit bashing” elements too.

You may notice some of these same pieces ended up on the set in season two on Comedy Central, as I took many of the pieces from the KTMA set, saved them, and then built them into that set: Notably, a “slush-molded” reindeer I cut in two with a band saw, as well as a plastic snow saucer.

The man-eating flowers, airbag for motorcyclists, and reptile thermometer were things in various stages of development from my stand-up act:

Naturally, none of this would have existed without Jim Mallon and Kevin Murphy having the keys to the studio at KTMA. I really just did the conceptual stuff and art direction (what there is of it) and they supplied the technical know-how. Special thanks to them.

Episode 2: Mysterons from Mars

To quote David Lynch’s Dune: “The beginning is a very delicate time.”

I recruited Trace and Josh from the Minneapolis comedy scene. I picked Josh because, even as a teenager, he was a stone-cold joke writer. I picked Trace because he might be the funniest improviser I ever met. This remains true for both of them to this day.

I remember writing these initial sketches based on what I knew I could easily put together prop-wise, but after a while Trace and Josh got more involved, because frankly, I really don’t enjoy writing stuff by myself. Also, further downstream, Kevin and Jim started suggesting ideas for jokes in the sketches too.

Some nice themes emerging, and everyone figuring out their parts. Love that it’s so much about thanksgiving!

The first thing I notice is how few riffs there are. Also, we seem to be sort of whispering and timid, like we don’t want to piss anyone off or disturb them from the movie. Interesting: Thinking back, I’m remembering that I seriously didn’t know how many interruptions caused by riffing the audience could tolerate – what’s possible? It wasn’t obvious to me. So, as you’ll see, in the beginning, it’s very slow going. Still, I’m seeing a few riffs I really like.

Example: There are these timpani drums playing, and this sort of quick intercutting to this really funny looking model of a space station, and I just whisper, in awe: “Cloud Base!”

I’m also seeing some forgotten ideas I’d like to include back into the next iteration of the show, if we’re fortunate enough to get another new season.

The demon dogs in the show opening was a bit from my live show, “Spookfest ’87.” They were florescent because they were used in a “black art” music number:

They sang and danced to the song Uncorrected Personality Traits by Robin Hitchcock, which I believe Josh Weinstein was a puppeteer on.

Another example: 

Why do they call him Captain Blue? (Really long pause.) His language?

Also, these two films are spellbinding and intensely interesting, mostly because of the brilliant model work by the great Derek Meddings.

I also like it with us having nine seats across, so the silhouettes are smaller. To me, it allowed more screen area for the film, as well as emulating a wide screen of a movie theater. I think later, we made the adjustment to making the silhouettes bigger to accommodate a “TV safe” area, but I didn’t like it as much. Too much of the silhouettes, not enough movie screen:

I’m happy to report, with the new shows we now have ten seats across, so we are back to a very similar aspect ratio for the host and the bots.

Anyway, those are the notes I took. Thanks for reading, and have a good week everybody. 

Cheers & Thanks,


The MST3K "Black Friday" Special: Your Top 100 Episodes. PLUS: The Long-Awaited Turkey Day Surprise!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 11:36:55 PM

Dear MST3K Revival League,

First, I hope you had a wonderful Turkey Day, and – if you got a chance to join us – that you enjoyed this year's MST3K Turkey Day Marathon! I'm still recovering from yesterday's big meal, so I'll try to keep this update short. There are just two things I promised I'd talk about today.


First, like I said on Monday, this year's Turkey Day Marathon lineup was a little bit different, because it was actually chosen by you, when you voted for your "Top 10 MST3K Episodes."

In case you weren't able to join us yesterday, Jonah and I counted-down the TOP 6 EPISODES, based on your votes, which were:

1. Manos: The Hands of Fate 
2. Space Mutiny
3. Final Sacrifice
4. Mitchell
5. Pod People
6. Pumaman 

Now for a little confession: Our lineup actually wasn't in the exactorder of the vote, because I wanted to keep up our Thanksgiving tradition of alternating between "Joel" and "Mike" episodes. But, those were the Top 6 Episodes – I was really pleased to see that your Top 6 naturally included three from each of us. It just seems right, you know?

Anyway, I didn't want to ruin yesterday's lineup by announcing the voting results ahead of time, but now that this year's Turkey Day Marathon is behind us, I wanted to go ahead and share the complete list, so you can see where the Revival League ranked your favorite episodes.

Here's how it all turned out:


1. Manos: The Hands of Fate - (424)
2. Space Mutiny - (820)
3. Mitchell - (512)
4. The Final Sacrifice - (910)
5. Pod People - (303)
6. Puma Man - (903)
7. Santa Claus Conquers The Martians - (321)
8. Werewolf - (904)
9. Cave Dwellers - (301)
10. Time Chasers - (821)

11. Overdrawn At The Memory Bank - (822)
12. I Accuse My Parents - (507)
13. Eegah! - (506)
14. Gamera - (302)
15. Prince of Space - (816)
16. Hobgoblins - (907)
17. Laserblast - (706)
18. Soultaker - (1001)
19. Godzilla vs. Megalon - (212)
20. Jack Frost - (813)

21. Santa Claus - (521)
22. Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders - (1003)
23. The Brain That Wouldn't Die - (513)
24. The Touch of Satan - (908)
25. Teenagers From Outer Space - (404)
26. The Day the Earth Froze - (422)
27. Warrior of the Lost World - (501)
28. The Giant Spider Invasion - (810)
29. Catalina Caper - (204)
30. Fugitive Alien - (310)

31. Master Ninja I - (322)
32. Time of the Apes - (306)
33. Gamera vs. Guiron - (312)
34. Final Justice - (1008)
35. Boggy Creek II - (1006)
36. Riding with Death - (814)
37. The Sidehackers - (202)
38. Outlaw (Of Gor) - (519)
39. Future War - (1004)
40. Monster A-Go-Go - (421)

41. "Parts": The Clonus Horror - (811)
42. The Killer Shrews - (407)
43. The Giant Gila Monster - (402)
44. Deathstalker and the Warriors From Hell - (703)
45. Red Zone Cuba - (619)
46. The Girl in Gold Boots - (1002)
47. Alien From L.A. - (516)
48. Hercules Against The Moon Men - (410)
49. Diabolik - (1013)
50. Horror Of Party Beach - (817)

51. The Amazing Colossal Man - (309)
52. Danger! Death Ray - (620)
53. The Creeping Terror - (606)
54. Daddy-O + Alphabet Antics - (307)
55. The Incredibly Strange Creatures… - (812)
56. Lost Continent - (208)
57. Attack Of The Eye Creatures - (418)
58. Squirm - (1012)
59. Star Force: Fugitive Alien II - (318)
60. Zombie Nightmare - (604)

61. Hercules Unchained - (408)
62. Quest of the Delta Knights - (913)
63. The Beast of Yucca Flats - (621)
64. The Screaming Skull - (912)
65. The Magic Sword - (411)
66. The Mole People - (803)
67. Operation Double 007 - (508)
68. Wild, Wild World of Batwoman - (515)
69. The Beginning of the End - (517)
70. Magic Voyage of Sinbad - (505)

71. Agent for H.A.R.M. - (815)
72. Girls Town - (601)
73. Devil Doll - (818)
74. Hamlet - (1009) 
75. Night of the Blood Beast - (701)
76. The Beatniks - (415)
77. Secret Agent Super Dragon - (504)
78. The Starfighters - (612)
79. Bride of the Monster - (423)
80. It Conquered The World - (311) 

81. Rocketship X-M - (201)
82. The Crawling Eye - (101)
83. Moon Zero Two - (111)
84. Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster - (213)
85. Gamera Vs. Zigra - (316)
86. Robot Holocaust - (110)
87. The Incredible Melting Man - (704)
88. Escape 2000 - (705)
89. Gamera Vs. Gaos - (308)
90. Gamera Vs. Barugon - (304)

91. Tormented - (414)
92. Samson vs. The Vampire Women - (624)
93. Angels' Revenge - (622)
94. Horrors of Spider Island - (1011)
95. Invasion of the Neptune Men - (819)
96. Devil Fish - (911)
97. Master Ninja II - (324)
98. The Deadly Mantis - (804)
99. San Francisco International - (614)
100. Wild Rebels - (207)

So, there you go! Your official Top 100 List, based on thousands of ballots from backers.

Now, I've got to tell you, I also had a little bit of an ulterior motive when I asked you to vote on your Top 100 Episodes. Now that we're in post-production, it’s really not that long until you'll finally see 14 new episodes, and I've been thinking a lot about how hard it can be to compete with nostalgia. One of the things I'll be really curious about, once you have seen the new episodes, is where you'll decide they rank against this list, taken from the first 11 years of the show.

There's no way for me to guess how these new episodes will live up to how you remember your favorites, but what I can tell you is, I'm feeling pretty good about all of them. And, since we're working with a whole new team, and new writers, and so much time has passed, I'm trying to set a realistic goal for us. So, I think we'd be doing pretty great – and on par with the original run – if about half of our new episodes end up somewhere in the Top 100. That's kind of my goal. If we can do that, I think we'll be doing pretty good. But once the episodes come out, you'll tell us what you think, and that'll help me figure if we got off to the right start this time.

Now, let's get to today's other big announcement.

Your "Black Friday" Bonus Reward!

On Monday, I also promised that – since we didn't have any new episodes ready to show you on Turkey Day – I'd send a special treat on Friday to make it up to you.

And you know, I know it's a treat some of you have been wanting for a long time – maybe even since we first ran this advertisement in The St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch on Turkey Day of 1988, when our very first episode, Invaders From the Deep, premiered on KTMA:


So yeah, some of you already guessed it, but let's make it official:

I'm happy to tell you that we finally found master tapes for two of the three "lost KTMA episodes" of MST3K: Invaders from the Deep, and Revenge of the Mysterons from Mars.

I actually thought we had discovered copies of these episodes at one point during the Kickstarter last year, and I was really excited that I'd be able to finally share them with you… and then it turned out that we hadn't found them, and it was a real bummer. But then, earlier this year, a few final boxes turned up. And there they were: the very first episodes of MST3K ever made.

So yeah: If your Kickstarter rewards include any of the "Classic MST3K Bonus Episodes", the two "lost episodes" are now waiting for you – a special "Happy Turkey Day" present from all of us at MST3K. (Just remember, though, these are really old episodes, so I hope you can look at them like a "first draft" of what the show would turn into.)


Just log into your VHX account, and you'll see them in your collection of Classic Episodes. You can stream and download them, whatever you want.

I don't want to give you more reading for today, so I'll just say that I really loved getting a chance to see these early episodes again. You can see Josh and Trace and me just wading into “movie riffing” and starting to play with all the elements and dynamics of the show and the set pieces. Obviously, it’s pretty slow. We didn’t pre-watch any of the films or even attempt to write any jokes; it’s just us, starting out, “blue skying” it.

(Naturally, if I could have known that, almost 30 years later, there would be a group of about 50,000 folks looking at these as a sort of “historical document,” I probably would have tried to find ways to put more time into them. But, as they say, it is what it is.)

Also, I have to tell you: This week was the first time that I’ve watched these in a long time. Seeing them now, I’m so proud we took the leap of faith and tried it. The cast and crew are suiting up in the gear and giving it a whack, and even this early on – as primitive as it is – you can sort of feel where this is all going.

Anyway, I took some notes when I watched them, and I'd like to share those with you. But I thought maybe I'd wait until next week, and give you this weekend to watch them first.

If you do watch, I hope you'll let me and your fellow Revival Leaguers know what you think in the comments. I'll be really interested to hear your take.

Anyway, that's all for today.

I hope you each had a wonderful Turkey Day, and that you know how grateful I am for everything you've done to help Bring Back MST3K.

Cheers & Thanks,


Post-Production Update, Turkey Day Marathon THIS THURSDAY. Plus: DOUBLE-CHECK your End Credit Listing ASAP!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 11:33:11 PM


Dear MST3K Revival League,

First things first: We've got a special occasion to celebrate!

The last year has been such a crazy ride that I didn't realize until a few days ago that our club – the MST3K Revival League – is now a year old. So, you know...

Happy Anniversary!

It's hard to believe, but we launched our Kickstarter all the way back on November 10, 2016… and by this time last year, the Kickstarter was almost halfway over, and we had just passed our first big goal.

Since then, so much has happened… and with Turkey Day coming up this week, I've been thinking about how grateful the whole Mystery Science team is for everything that happened. But you know, it's not Turkey Day yet, so I'll save that for later this week.

Today, I wanted to share a few important updates with you. Also, I know Ivan has one important update about your Kickstarter rewards, and I want him to tell you about that. Sound good?

Post-Production Update

First, I wanted to update you on how the new episodes are coming along.

As you know, we shot all 14 new episodes around the end of September, and for the last month and a half, we've been hard at work on post-production: editing the episodes together, mixing the audio, adding the music, fixing some transitions, that sort of thing. And man, I just have to say, they're coming out beautifully. I've been working with some very talented people, and they're almost finished. The episodes, not the people.

Anyway, there's a few more steps involved, because modern television needs to be at higher level of quality than it used to, but I'm happy to be doing it. I'm also thrilled to report that the new episodes feel like they've landed in the world of MST3K. I've been really happy watching them come together, and I think you will be too.

No, when we did last year's Turkey Day Marathon, I thought it would be great if we could show you our very first new episode on this year's Turkey Day Marathon. But I've got to tell you: they're just not quite ready yet. And like I've said all along, we all want to make these new episodes as good as we can, so I hope you'll be patient just a little bit longer. It'll be worth the wait.

There are still a lot of little twitchy details to deal with, but it's looking good. In fact…

Right now, we're on track to finish editing all of the new episodes by the end of January!

I know a lot of you are eager to hear when the new episodes will be available, both on Netflix and – if your Kickstarter rewards include them – to download. The answer is that we still aren't 100% sure, but we're getting really close, and I think you can definitely expect them in the first half of 2017. 

As soon as we have an official release date, I'll tell you.

And you know, even without our first new episode, it's still going to be a good week, because it's time for...

The MST3K Turkey Day Marathon 2016!

That's right, friends. This Thursday, we'll continue a time-honored tradition with another installment of our MST3K TURKEY DAY MARATHON! 

If you don't remember from last year, here's how it works: every year on Turkey Day, we select six great, classic Mystery Science Theater episodes, then reheat them and serve 'em up with new introductions.

This year, I'll be getting some help from the next host of MST3K, Jonah Ray!

So, be sure to mark your calendars, because...

This Thursday, November 24, the MST3K Turkey Day Marathon will start at 9am PT / 12pm ET, on!

And, since I was busy getting our new episodes ready, I asked all of you to help pick this year's menu, by voting for your "Top Ten" episodes of MST3K. And man, did you: with over 10,000 votes, we now have a DEFINITIVE LIST of the TOP 100 CLASSIC MST3K EPISODES!

On Thursday, we'll serve up the TOP SIX, based on your votes. Then, when this year's marathon is over, I'll share the entire TOP 100, so you can see how it all came out.

Anyway, if you need a break from football and want to spend some of your Turkey Day with your MST3K family, I hope you'll join us. Feel free to RSVP in the comments, and be sure to join us during the marathon on Thursday by posting with #MST3K.

A Friday Surprise!

One more thing: even though I don't have a new episode of MST3K ready to share with you for Turkey Day, I still want you to have something special to look forward to.

So, if your Kickstarter rewards include any "bonus classic episodes of MST3K," save some room on Turkey Day for a bonus reward that I'll send on Friday to go with your leftovers. I've got a pretty special treat to share, which some of you have been waiting a long time for.

Stay tuned for that!


Now, that's all I've got for today, because I've got to get ready to go back to Los Angeles for the next few days. I'll be working with Jonah and some of our cast on "ADR", which is when we re-record some of the audio for their lines to make sure it sounds just right.

But I know Ivan has a pretty IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT about your Kickstarter rewards, so keep reading. I'll see you on Turkey Day.

Cheers & Thanks,



Hey Everyone!

I've just got one quick – but important! – update for you, because it's time-sensitive.

This update is for anyone whose Kickstarter rewards included a "Thank You" in the end credits (that's Experiment 085 and up) OR who claimed a "Thank You Credit" Add-On Reward on the MST3K website.

As Joel said, we're making good progress on all 14 episodes for the new season, and as part of that, we're starting to put together the end credits for each episode.

At this point, we've prepped all of the lists of names, and we need to lock them down in about a week. But a few hundred of you still haven't provided a name for us to use, and there's always a chance that a few of you had typos when you requested your name.

The last thing we want is for you to discover a problem when you're watching the new season, because it'll be too late for us to fix it! So...

Please take 30 seconds and proofread your "Thank You" credit for the new season right now!

Here's how:

1. Take a look at the MASTER LIST of end credits. 
2. Wait a minute for it to load, then use "FIND" to search for your name.
3. If your name is LISTED WRONG, please let us know ASAP using this form.

If your name is MISSING: 

Please be sure you've checked your BackerKit answers to confirm that your rewards included a name in the end credits and that you provided one. If both answers are "Yes", let us know ASAP at [email protected], not in the comments below!

Please let us know if there's a problem by MONDAY, NOV 28, or we can't guarantee we'll be able to make changes.

Happy Almost Turkey Day!


Production has wrapped! Help rank the TOP 100 CLASSIC MST3Ks! PLUS: Kickstarter Reward Updates + the Zappa/MST3K Winners!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 02:33:57 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

We've Got Production Sign in 10...9...8…
over 7 years ago – Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 12:11:29 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.